Continuing research

   I am continuing to research in order to compile enough evidence to composite great information for my two page spread. So far I have looked at two articles that state almost the same reasons why vintage fashion has become so popular. For instance, I have noticed that both articles say that people just naturally admire the old look and the style. I have also found that it helps people be unique in their look, standout or outshine others because it's different and unusual to wear vintage fashion.

   In another article that I am currently reading it has mainly mentioned how it has become fashionable because of social media stars. The social media accounts that have a large following highly influences many who follow social media to wear these vintage outfits. I have noticed that people who have a large following, have a lot of influence in fashion trends. Since people want to mimic and follow what celebrities are doing in general, I can conclude that having greater following on social media and celebrities has been part of the major cause of why people have become very interested in wearing styles from the past. Also, not only has the large following of celebrities help contribute, the way these styles are communicated to others. The internet has rocketed in the last tens years and has become a means of trending fashion styles.

Citations: “Why Are Old Things Increasingly Popular with Young People?” Study Breaks, 10 June 2017,
