
   One of the biggest goals I have for this magazine project, I want to have an issue that out stands magazines in general. I was able to find a website that explained how to have a different and outstanding magazine. In the article, "How to make your magazine stand out from the crowd", the author explained how creating art or design that is spontaneous and risk taking is not the best way to stand out in the magazine industry. One of the biggest ideas that the author emphasises is that there need to be innovative ideas, but it has to be cohesive and has to integrate as a whole. I found this article very helpful because it helps me keep in mind this idea from the author while I am planning
for my issue.


 White, Jan V. “How to Make Your Magazine Stand out from the Crowd.” Publishing Executive, 1 June 2007, www.pubexec.com/article/how-make-your-magazine-stand-out-crowd-64334/all/


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