More and more research

   During my research, I have found very similar reasons to why this vintage fever has risen. The articles say that people want to be unique and different from the popular fashion. In the article that I found, "The Retro Phenomenon: Why is Vintage so popular?", it includes that designers usually refer back to older fashion for inspiration in creating a new clothing piece. Since designers usually help set fashion trends, the use of older pieces inspires people to start to use vintage clothing and incorporating it in a unique way. In another article, "The age of Vintage: why is vintage so popular?", it states that celebrities help establish the want to incorporate vintage clothing. The thing is that very famous celebrities have images taken that are then distributed through the Internet and magazines etc. As a lot of people are exposed to these images, they want to mimic the style.

   I found the same reason again comparing to the other articles, it's a way of unique expression. The two articles that I found have the same reason on how vintage fashion help people create outstanding outfits and how it goes against the "generic" fashion. Currently, with the articles that I have researched, I think I will include in my two page spread that vintage fashion has become so popular because of the want of standing out and celebrities. In these articles they are always mentioning that celebrities help set the trend, but they don't mention which celebrities. I have found some articles that show which celebrities, in "Celebs Retro Style", they mention Charlie XCX, Rita Ora and Katy Perry. These celebrities are quite famous and help make 90s fashion popular.

Citations: “The Retro Phenomenon: Why Is Vintage So Popular?” We Heart Vintage Directory, 20 Jan. 2015,

“The Age of Vintage: Why Is Vintage Fashion so Popular?” Maggie Ann Vinatge Blog, 18 Sept. 2017,

Valenti, Lauren. “Celebrities Who Dress Like They're from a Different Decade.” Marie Claire, Marie Claire, 6 Oct. 2017,
